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Local Forms

Chapter 11 forms


Chapter 13 forms


Cumulative statement of amendments to schedules (LBF 1009) (revised 12/2019)

Eligibility for discharge chart

Fact summary for motion for relief (Word version) (revised 5/2019)

Fact summary for motion for relief (pdf fillable version) (revised 5/2019)

Lease assumption agreement for vehicle or other personal property

Letter to credit reporting agencies re incorrect SS#

Motion for discharge in chapter 12 case

Motion to avoid nonpossessory, nonpurchase money security interest

Objection to claim (revised 1/2020)

Objection to claim - verified (revised 8/2022)

Order approving employment of professional (chapters 7 and 11)

Order granting motion to avoid judicial lien (revised 1/2020)

Order granting motion to avoid nonpurchase-money security interest (revised 1/2020)

Order granting motion to transfer case to other division

Order modifying automatic stay to allow pursuit of debtor's liability insurance coverage

Sample order conditionally denying motion for relief from stay with future relief (revised 01/2025)

Verification of official creditor list -- initial or supplemental (LBF 1007) (revised 12/2019)

Verified motion to extend or impose the automatic stay
pursuant to 11 U.S.C.§ 362(c)(3) or (4) (revised 8/2022)