Chapter 11 forms
Order approving disclosure statement and setting confirmation hearing (revised 10/2021)
Confirmation checklist
Order confirming plan
Subchapter V status conference report (revised 12/2022)
Subchapter V plan form (revised 01/2025)
Subchapter V order setting confirmation hearing (revised 10/2021)
Subchapter V ballot
Chapter 13 forms
Application for employment of attorney for a specific purpose in a chapter 13 case (revised 06/2024)
Application for employment of real estate agent/broker in a chapter 13 case
Chapter 13 plan
Declaration regarding postpetition amounts owed on principal residence
Final plan summary
Motion for chapter 13 hardship discharge
Motion for discharge in chapter 13 (LBF 283) (Word version, revised 7/2024)
Motion for discharge in chapter 13 (LBF 283) (PDF version, revised 7/2024)
Motion for discharge in chapter 13 case where one debtor is deceased (Word version, revised 7/2024)
Motion for discharge in chapter 13 case where one debtor is deceased (PDF version, revised 7/2024)
Notice of default pursuant to order conditionally denying relief from stay (revised 1/2020)
Notice of termination of stay (revised 1/2020)
Order approving auto insurance settlement in chapter 13 (revised 06/2024)
Order approving employment of real estate agent in chapter 13
Order approving employment of special counsel for chapter 13 debtor(s) on a contingent fee basis (revised 1/2020)
Order approving sale of real estate in chapter 13 (revised 1/2020)
Order approving settlement and compensation in a chapter 13 case (revised 5/2024)
Order granting motion to approve mortgage loan modification in ch 13 (revised 1/2020)
Order language for proceeds in chapter 13 re application of insurance
Order modifying automatic stay in ch 13 to allow divorce proceedings (revised 10/2019)
Stipulation re treatment of claim in unconfirmed plan
Withdrawal of objection to confirmation
Cumulative statement of amendments to schedules (LBF 1009) (revised 12/2019)
Eligibility for discharge chart
Fact summary for motion for relief (Word version) (revised 5/2019)
Fact summary for motion for relief (pdf fillable version) (revised 5/2019)
Lease assumption agreement for vehicle or other personal property
Letter to credit reporting agencies re incorrect SS#
Motion for discharge in chapter 12 case
Motion to avoid nonpossessory, nonpurchase money security interest