Issue Date
October 16, 2019
These instructions explain the process for requesting to file a document under seal and then doing so. This is not the procedure for redacting personal data identifiers from documents which have already been filed.
Filing Requirements
To request to file a document under seal, you must follow the guidance set forth in the Filing of Documents Under Seal, Administrative Order No. 2019-10.
1. Prepare a Motion to File a Document Under Seal. The Motion to File a Document Under Seal must include the title of the document which the movant proposes to file under seal and the reason for requesting the document be sealed. Include a certificate of service.
2. File the motion using the File a Document under Seal (Motion) docket event.
3. Serve a copy of the Motion to File a Document Under Seal on all parties listed on the current mailing matrix in a bankruptcy case or all parties in an adversary proceeding.
Important: Upload a PDF of the motion as the main document. Do not upload the document to be sealed. Only after the motion is granted can the document be filed under seal.
What Happens Next
If the court grants the motion, the filer can then file the document electronically under seal, using the Document Under Seal event. Only the filing details and the document title will appear on the docket report for viewing by the public. The main document and attachments associated with the Document Under Seal entry will be sealed to all parties except the filer, and authorized court staff, and parties authorized by order of the court.
For More Help
Please contact the clerk's office for assistance at 251-441-5391. The help desk hours are 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.