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Creditor Mailing List

Submitting a list of creditors for a new bankruptcy case

Debtor(s) must submit a creditor mailing list with their petition. Creditors may be submitted electronically prior to filing your voluntary petition in-person or by mail.  This can be done from any computer on the Internet whether from your home, the library, or in the Clerk’s Office. 

If you are filing in-person, please let the person at the counter know that you have submitted your creditor list.  That employee will load your creditors into your case once it is open.  If you are filing by mail, please attach a note to the filing that the creditor mailing list was submitted electronically using the creditor mailing list program on the Court’s website.


On the Initial Screen – under the heading “Debtor Information”:

  1. Enter Debtor's first and last name and contact phone number, including area code.
  2. In the Creditor 1 Section:
    • Enter name and address of first creditor.
    • Click "Add Creditor".
  3. Continue adding additional creditors, one at a time and one for each page and then click "Add Creditor" after each entry.
  4. When the final creditor has been entered, click "Submit Matrix”.

Note:  Be sure to include all of your creditors, as there will be an additional fee due for creditors added after the case has been opened (late creditors).

It will be the responsibility of the debtor to serve any creditors entered after the clerk’s office serves the 341 notice.

Click HERE to get started.